Top 4 Trends by WhatsMode for Influencer Brand Marketing 2018

As influencerswith audiences of all sizes and types flocked to platforms like WhatsMode in hoards to develop, promote and sell their products; it is fair to say that the year 2017 was the year of influencer brand marketing.
Growing from just mainstream macro-influencers to micro-influencers on social media platforms, influencer marketing on WhatsMode has created a new place in influencer brand marketing strategies.
You can expect this trend to keep growing as more brands look to find new ways to increase their audience through social media influencers. WhatsMode suggests the following trends emerge in 2018:

1.     Influencer Brands Following Guidelines

During the early days of influencer marketing, not every influencer brand was open about details of their offerings. But authorities put forward strict guidelines which clarified what influencers brands have to follow when they develop their own offerings on WhatsMode. In 2018 you can expect to see influencers like Pony Effect to be more transparent about their brand offerings.

2.     Influencer Brands will cover Influencers from many Social Media Platforms

In the past few years, we saw mainly YouTubers, Instagram influencers and few bloggers transform into influencer brands. But with new influencers becoming famous on platforms like Periscope, Twitch, new Vine and, Meetupwill increase the number of influencer brands on WhatsMode.

3.     Influencer Brands will become Ambassadors of their own Brands

Previously influencers like Michele Phan were ambassadors for other brands like Lancôme. But in 2018 influencer brands like Meagan Lee will become ambassadors for their own brands as they develop more products for their lines on WhatsMode.

4.     Rise of Micro-Influencers

While macro-influencers like Cloe Couture have been the main influencer brands on WhatsMode, this year micro-influencers like Trish Lindo will also start developing themselves into brands. These influencers usually have a smaller following but have higher levels of engagement, creating more trusting relationships with their audience, leading to more sales. These are only a handful of the trends that are set to prevail in 2018 regarding  influencer brand marketing. But all in all, this type of marketing with WhatsMode is becoming more popular and trusted among many influencers.

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